About me

Since 2001 I have been working as a clinical exercise physiologist in a medically based fitness center.  It's my job to help people learn how to exercise.  Most of my clients have some physical limitation or chronic disease.  They are not the people you are likely to find in your typical "gym.”  When setting up their exercise programs, I review their medical history, complete a risk assessment, and identify their personal goals.  I'm never surprised that most of my clients have weight loss somewhere on their list of personal goals.  It may not always be number one, but it's usually there.

When I'm helping set up weight loss plans for clients, I often hear things like:  "You don't know what it's like to be fat," or "You don't know how hard it is to lose weight."  My typical response is, I DO!  Let's rewind to the summer between my junior and senior year of undergraduate school.  I had arrived home for summer vacation, and I was in my room unpacking.  I happened to glance in the mirror.  Who is that?, I thought to myself.  I stood there for a few minutes looking at how far I had let myself slide.  Apparently I had no mirrors in my college bedroom.  There I stood about 30 pounds heavier than I used to be with a waistline that had grown about three sizes.  It's funny, you wouldn't think someone studying for a bachelor’s degree in health science could let that happen.  But I did!  

That time in my life was very busy.  I was in class from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm daily.  I worked in the evenings as a peer tutor to earn some extra cash.  In between I spent my free time studying to keep up my grades so I could get into the graduate school of my choice.  The weekends were the typical college weekends.  I finished any work that needed to be done and then spent time relaxing and hanging out with friends.  My eating habits were not the best, and I didn't make the time to exercise as I used to.  The result . . .30 lbs plus 4 inches onto my waist!  Ouch!  It was that moment, looking in the mirror, I decided to do something about that image.  No more excuses!  

I started reading as much as I could about weight loss.  I wanted to make sure that I not only lost the extra pounds but also kept them off forever!  I looked at my lifestyle and nutritional habits.  First, I made time to exercise every day!  I slowly began to change the way I ate.  This step was the most difficult for me because I had always eaten whatever I wanted.  I began by writing down everything I ate.  I had to decrease my fat and sugar intake.  I increased my lean protein and fiber intake.  I ate 5-6 small meals a day.  It was the start of a new way of life.  That summer I lost the 30 lbs, and by the time I began my senior year I was back into the pants I had worn my freshman year.  I learned a lot that year!  With regular exercise and better nutritional habits I have maintained my weight since then.
I've grown to understand how important it is to keep my weight under control.   I have a strong family history of diabetes and heart disease.  Both my mother and father have had heart attacks, and both have had open heart surgery.  My grandfather and grandmother on my mother's side had heart disease.  I never knew my grandfather on my father's side since he died of a heart attack before I was born.  It's no coincidence that every one of them was overweight and had poor lifestyle habits.  For this reason I decided to live a healthier lifestyle to avoid what seems to be my likely fate.  My father would tell you my weight is just genetics and there is nothing anyone can do about it.  However, I like to believe I have some control and can take care of myself for my wife and three beautiful daughters!  (Yes, I am far outnumbered!)  

Through the years I continue to learn, from both my clients and my personal experiences.  With each new part of my life, there are new challenges and new obstacles.  It is easy to get off track, especially with the challenges of children.  I've learned that it's never easy but it is possible to maintain my weight and a healthy lifestyle.

I am grateful I have learned to live healthily because I can set an example for my daughters and my clients.  And I hope I can pass on to anyone interested in reading my blog, my passion and suggestions for HOW TO become your HEALTHIEST YOU.


  1. Your professional experience and your personal story give you a lot of credibility. I will be eager to learn how to continue to maintain my weight loss because I find it's very easy to get off track and very hard to get back on my healthy program.

  2. I look forward to reading your blogs about health and weight loss. I'm eager to prove that the family diseases do not have to be handed down through the generations. That begins for me with taking the additional weight off. I've 'seen' the results you have had with other clients. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
